2017-2014 ︎Katrin Hornek calls Johanna Tinzl ︎There
Are Some Things We Need to Talk about ︎
A Series Of Artists’ Talks On Shared Necessities︎Johanna Tinzl calls Katrin ︎ The Archive Sculpture ︎
︎Epoxy resin, chipboard, hinges, cables, usb-sticks
cm x 25 cm x 15 cm

Katrin Hornek calls Johanna Tinzl
VBKÖ, Vienna, 2014 – 2015
Johanna Tinzl calls Katrin Hornek
Object, 2017
Epoxy resin, chipboard, hinges, cables, usb-sticks
35 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm
There Are Some Things We Need to Talk about
A Series Of Artists’ Talks On Shared NecessitiesVBKÖ, Vienna, 2014 – 2015
Johanna Tinzl calls Katrin Hornek
The Archive Sculpture
Object, 2017
Epoxy resin, chipboard, hinges, cables, usb-sticks
35 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm
The Final Talk marked the end of a two-year talk series, where Katrin Hornek and Johanna Tinzl invited eight artists to each conceive a talk with a partner of her choice at the VBKÖ (Austrian Association of Women Artists).
In the first year the idea was to reflect together on art works and artistic practices, on questions of collectivity and networks of support.
In the spirit of the year’s program 2014 of the VBKÖ – To organize in friendship! – the dialogical format aimed to facilitate a conversation on familiarities and trust, on courage and panic.
In the spirit of the year’s program 2014 of the VBKÖ – To organize in friendship! – the dialogical format aimed to facilitate a conversation on familiarities and trust, on courage and panic.
What can, must and do we have to share with each other?The next year was about Do-It-Yourself as Do-It-Together questioning the year’s program 2015 which focused on Mingle-Mangle, Bond, Entangle!. How do fluid collaborations in changing positions with different non-institutional and institutional partners rewrite one's own artistic practice? What remains when you go? What happens if you stay?
A mobile display structure designed by Katrin Hornek and Johanna Tinzl provided the spatial framing of the series of talks, which transformed itself into »The Archive Sculpture« for the Final Talk.
A mobile display structure designed by Katrin Hornek and Johanna Tinzl provided the spatial framing of the series of talks, which transformed itself into »The Archive Sculpture« for the Final Talk.
See also VBKÖ ︎︎︎